Thursday, July 24, 2008

Trujillo, Peru--22 julio 2008

It was a marathon day in Trujillo with our first stop of the day at a school where we were received with quite a fanfare. The all-boys school enrolls both primary and secondary students, four of whom gave us warm welcome speeches in English.

After touring the school and experiencing primary school recess (not unlike ours--wrestling moves are alive and well around the world as you can see by the photo), we went to the Rainbow Temple. The temple is part of the extensive Chan Chan city used during the Chimu civilization and is estimated to have been built between 1300-1400 BC. The site of many human and animal sacrifices, the temple is called the ¨Rainbow Temple¨ because of its many reliefs containing rainbows and various animals.

We left Rainbow Temple to visit the Chan Chan Museum and another archaeological site within the 24 square miles of the Chimu civilization´s ruins. We saw but one temple of nine that remain out of an estimated 20 that existed during the Chimu civilization. The site is currently being restored and preserved, and it was interesting to see many people at work resurfacing the remaining adobe walls.

We then went to lunch at the beach at the idiosyncratically named ¨Big Ben Restaurant¨ where we had many Peruvian dishes from which to choose while watching surfers. From there, we went to our third (and final!) site of the day: Huaca de la Luna. This final site was certainly the highlight of the day--archaeologists have discovered full-color reliefs of the god Aiapaec and various animals along with what may be a calendar.

Finally, we were treated to a city tour of Trujillo and enjoyed a dinner at Chelsea restaurant. It was there that Jacques announced good news and bad news: the good news was that we would be able to complete all of the upcoming activities on our itinerary, the bad news was that the next day´s flight from Trujillo to Lima had been canceled and that we would be leaving at 3:30am on a bus to make it to Lima in time to make our connection... to read about that adventure, watch for Alisa´s blog coming soon. (LR)

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